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"Our online service connecting tutors and students all over india in their locality. Having 100% verified profiles, allow you to contact directly either to tutor or to students. Set your profile free in a minute and get telephonic support as you needed."
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HTZ Search Engine

Advantage for Tutors
Our online search engine helps you to reach to thousands of students directly and contact without mediator and set your own fee. We help you to save time and money and get best value of your work by choosing best option to suit your need.

Advantage for Students
Students can free signup, search and contact directly tutors instantly to choose best tutor at affordable fee. Our online program also help you to rate tutors or review rating of tutors to choose best one.

Our Mission & Vision
"To provide best service to tutors all over india to search students and contact directly and choose best option to fit their need, saves time and money and get the best value of what they deliver."
"To provide best service to students to search tutors according to their need at affordable price and contact directly without mediator"