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"Our online service connecting tutors and students all over india in their locality. Having 100% verified profiles, allow you to contact directly either to tutor or to students. Set your profile free in a minute and get telephonic support as you needed."
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Visitors to HomeTutionZone.com are granted a nonexclusive, limited license to use and access the content and services offered in accordance with these Terms and Conditions (the "License").
1. This website - HomeTutionZone.com - found at the uniform resource locator (URL) id - www.HomeTutionZone.com - has been set up and promoted, and is maintained, by qmarksoft, a division of Manglik Bela. which term shall, for the purposes hereof, be deemed to include its subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, shareholders, directors, executives, officers, employees, agents, attorneys, accountants and any person vested with any responsibility for any task relating to the affairs of the company), with its registered office currently located at Gajadhar Mandir, Machhuatoli Chowk, Patna-1, Bihar.
2. The website - HomeTutionZone.com - is intended only to serve as a preliminary medium of contact and information for its users / members / visitors who have a bona fide intention to enter into a sharing their educational information and personal information inorder to get or provide services we offers. HomeTutionZone.com does not purport to be a get any type of service or to provide any type of service directly that our client offers thru website and does not, in any manner whatsoever, monitor the first or subsequent contacts, introductions and/or interactions which may take place amongst / in between the user(s) / member(s) due to any information specified in the website.
3. HomeTutionZone.com presumes that each and every single member / user / visitor, who logs on to the website has an intention to share education or personal information and not otherwise. HomeTutionZone.com under no circumstances shall be responsible for any loss or damage resulting from anyone's use of the Site or the Service and / or any Content posted on the web Site or transmitted to users / Members. The exchange of members profile(s) through or by HomeTutionZone.com should not in any way be construed as a consultation offer and/or recommendation from or by HomeTutionZone.com. HomeTutionZone.com shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to any individual arising in/out of, or subsequent to, educational relations established pursuant to use of the service provided by HomeTutionZone.com
4. HomeTutionZone.com collects information / data including e-mail id, mail address, first name, last name, telephone number, date of birth, age, gender, ethnic background, appearance, religion, occupation, preferences, life style information, general geographical location from its visitors / users in order to create their unique profiles. The said information / data collected is entered in the programme especially devised for matching requirement and which programme enable to provide matches for the visitors / users based on their pre-selected criteria. Certain private information is only displayed after taking prior consent of the visitors / users.
5. All information uploaded by the user themselves or through any of the HomeTutionZone offline centres meant to be displayed on the open website located on www.HomeTutionZone.com becomes public knowledge.
6. The user undertakes not to duplicate, download publish, modify and distribute material on HomeTutionZone.com unless specifically authorized by HomeTutionZone or Manglik Bela in this regard. The user undertakes not to establish any deep link or other connection to any specific page of HomeTutionZone.com other than the Home Page without obtaining prior consent of Manglik Bela. The user undertakes to use HomeTutionZone.com for his/her own purposes.
7. HomeTutionZone is an on-line service provider for its members/visitors to create their own/unique profiles envisaging certain personal (optional) information(s) are to be displayed on the net/web-site, which information is used by visitors for searching and matching purposes. HomeTutionZone does not sell, rent, share, trade or give away any of your personal information except which is displayed and intended to be shared by its users / members / visitors including photographs displayed on site. Although HomeTutionZone shall take all reasonable precautions, HomeTutionZone shall not be responsible in case such public information / photograph of the member/user so displayed in the site is being unauthorisedly copied / printed / published / forged / superimposed / manipulated etc. or misused by any user / member / visitor. The user / member shall indemnify HomeTutionZone from all kind of loss / damages which HomeTutionZone may suffer from any activities carried out by any visitor/user/member through improper use of the service provided by HomeTutionZone.
8. HomeTutionZone does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any member / visitor profile, advice, opinion, statement or other information displayed / uploaded through the service by HomeTutionZone.
9. HomeTutionZone reserves the right to remove / delete any content / message / photo (s) / profile or cancel the registration / membership of such individual / user either upon a complaint received from another member / user / visitor / individual / group of individuals or upon discovery of the same on its own or based on its sole judgment and perception and it shall without notice stop providing the service entitled to a user / member and forfeit all other incidental service(s) with immediate effect along with the fee/tenure of registration as well as take appropriate legal action against such visitor / user / member. By listing a profile on the website, it is deemed that the said member/user has an intention to get married and in case it appears to HomeTutionZone that at the time of listing the profile or subsequently such user / visitor had no intention to enter into a matrimonial alliance or has changed his/her intention, then HomeTutionZone shall reserve the right to remove / delete such profile from the website and initiate prosecution under the law or take such steps as may be advised from time to time. In using the website, it is deemed that the user/member agree not to post any content or views that may be considered threatening, abusive, vulgar, obscene or otherwise objectionable or act illegally or otherwise harass another user; put wrong or misleading information in any of the details of his/her own profile; impersonate another or use the site for any commercial purposes; or interfere with or disrupt the operation of this site, or disobey any reasonable requirements, procedures or policies imposed by HomeTutionZone from time to time.
10. HomeTutionZone shall not be held responsible for any interactions/ passing of information(s) etc. between any user / member / visitor via e-mail, chat or any other mediation with another member / user / visitor and HomeTutionZone has no obligation, to monitor any such disputes between arising between the users/members and HomeTutionZone shall not be party to such dispute/litigation etc.
11. HomeTutionZone reserves the right to tie up with partners in future to come up with various other online services. However, HomeTutionZone shall never share the information / data collected from its visitors / users with such other partners without taking prior consent / permission from such visitors / users. HomeTutionZone in such circumstances suggests that its visitors / users peruse the privacy policy of such partners before giving their consent or before furnishing personal identifiable information with such other website(s).
12. Payments for the services offered by HomeTutionZone.com shall be on a 100% advance basis. Refunds in the event of wrong/objectionable content being posted on the site would be at the discretion of HomeTutionZone. In the case of failed online transactions, which result in no services, HomeTutionZone offers no guarantees whatsoever for the accuracy or timeliness of the refunds reaching the Customers card/bank accounts.
13. The User is solely and exclusively responsible for maintaining confidentiality of the User password and User identification and all activities and transmission performed by the User through his/her user identification and shall be solely responsible for carrying out any online or off-line transaction involving credit cards / debit cards or such other forms of instruments or documents for making such transactions and HomeTutionZone assumes no responsibility or liability for their improper use of information relating to such usage of credit cards / debit cards used by the subscriber online / off-line. HomeTutionZone uses the maximum care as is possible to ensure that all or any data / information does not fall in the wrong hands. (The weak link in credit card transaction is securely storing the data once received; therefore HomeTutionZone does not store or keep credit card data in a location that is accessible via the Internet. Once a credit card transaction has been completed, all credit card data is moved off-line only to ensure that the data/credit card information received is not accessible to anyone after completion of the on-line transaction and to ensure the maximum security for the personal information of the user.) HomeTutionZone.com does not uses third party payment gateways.
14. HomeTutionZone does not take the responsibility of any information posted by its users/members in the web site, any copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary information without obtaining the prior written consent of the owner of such proprietary rights and in case HomeTutionZone receives/discovers any such infringement, the said member / user may be called for / asked to furnish / provide evidence / relevant information in support of such display like an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest or a description of the copyrighted work that may have been infringed or information or a written statement that the member/user under bona-fide faith belief that the disputed information does not lead to any authorized use or infringement of copyright etc, under the law or a statement that the user/member is liable to penalty of perjury in case any of the information/statement furnished is proved otherwise or a declaration that the information displayed/posted is accurate and the member /user is itself the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.
15. HomeTutionZone has no obligation to monitor the activities of its users/visitors. However, HomeTutionZone has the right to monitor the Site electronically from time to time and to disclose any information as necessary to satisfy any law, regulation or other governmental request, to operate the Site properly, or to protect itself or its subscribers.
16. All members of HomeTutionZone.com are restricted to the following no of contacts they can make via the "Express Interest" option on the HomeTutionZone.com site.
Free Member Premium Member =========================================== Daily Limit 15 75 Weekly Limit 45 225 Monthly Limit 125 400 Overall Limit 300 1000 -------------------------------------------
17. All services which are defined by Time Period indicted in months shall imply 1 month to be equal to 30 days and for any longer durations service the total duration in days will be the Number of months multiplied by 30.
Cancel & Refund Policy .
1. If you wish to cancel your annual non-renewing subscription and request a refund, you must email us to cancel your subscription within three (3) days of your initial subscription. We will terminate your Premium Membership at the time of the refund and your account will revert to a Basic Membership.
2. Only 50% of the total fees will be refunded only thu a/c payee cheque in next 7 days form your initial request. However, in some special circumstances, Manglik Bela Management reserves the right to consider a request for a full refund and decision depends on their sole discretion. Please Write us if you would like to submit a request.
3. The manglik bela has the right to cancel or terminate membership at any time without prior information if any abuse or illigal activity reported against any member,in such case no refund will be considered if found faulty.
3. Manglik bela has the right to change in their policy at any time without any prior information.
Our Mission & Vision
"To provide best service to tutors all over india to search students and contact directly and choose best option to fit their need, saves time and money and get the best value of what they deliver."
"To provide best service to students to search tutors according to their need at affordable price and contact directly without mediator"