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"Our online service connecting tutors and students all over india in their locality. Having 100% verified profiles, allow you to contact directly either to tutor or to students. Set your profile free in a minute and get telephonic support as you needed."
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How HTZ Works
How Works for Students
HomeTutionZone.com provides online services to connect students and tutors. Students who are looking for getting teaching services from tutors can create their profile as student at HomeTutionZone.com and search tutors as per their requirements. Students can search tutors based on location, gender, subject and more. Once you select tutors you can contact them to get their services. At HomeTutionZone there are multiple ways to contact tutors. You can send message using in-built messaging system, express message or mail them. You can also call to the tutors if they are sharing their contact details. So far, HomeTutionZone is a 100% free service for students and doesn't charge on creating profile or contacting tutors. However they can also upgrade their profile to premium to get help in thier homework,download articles,study materials ask questions from online tutors etc. Once you contact the tutor, its totally up to both of you to finalize the mode of teaching, payments and courses. HomeTutionZone doesn't pay or employs any tutors. It primarily aims to connect students and tutors.
How Works for Tutors
If you have interest in teaching, want to earn by your tutoring skills. HomeTutionZone provides you an opportunity to get tutoring jobs. This may be online tutoring, one-on-one tutoring or group classes. You can create your profile with contact details and let the students know about your teaching services. Using this site you can create your tutoring profile and attract students in you city. You can also search students looking for tutors and contact them to know if they are interested in your skills. Once the student approves you, it's up to both of you to finalize the study plans and payments. HomeTutionZone does not work as mediator and never asks any share from tutor's earnings. Not all students become the member of this site. Most of the times students visit this site and pick the tutors with best profile and ratings.
Our Mission & Vision
"To provide best service to tutors all over india to search students and contact directly and choose best option to fit their need, saves time and money and get the best value of what they deliver."
"To provide best service to students to search tutors according to their need at affordable price and contact directly without mediator"